
Add New Product

1. Add a Product

  • Click on the Add New Product button to add a new product.
  • Fill in the all the information in the Add new product form and click Save.

The product will appear in the Product List as shown below:

If you already have a similar product in your product list, you can use the Copy Product button to copy the same product, make changes to it and Save.


Gift Cards

1. Activate, Load Value and Sell a Gift Card in the POS

Click on the Manage Gift Card button to Scan a Gift Card Barcode. You can scan a Gift Card barcode and Search to see if the gift card is still valid. If it is still valid, you can Activate it and click on Use Gift Card and apply the gift card to a purchase.        

  • Click on Manage Gift Card.
  • In the Manage Gift Card popup, scan the gift card barcode and then click Activate. You will have to input the $ Value of the gift card and save. This barcode then gets saved with this $ amount.
  • Then the Gift Card can be sold for that $ amount to any patient/customer and gift card is Active for use in the POS by this Client dispensary and all it’s sub-locations.

Sell Gift Card to Patients/Customers

Add the patient/customer to the cart and click on Manage Gift Card.

Then Scan and Search for the gift card barcode and click the Sell Gift Card button. It will be added to the cart for checkout. You may now complete the order.

2. Use a Gift Card in the POS

Click on the Manage Gift Card button to Use a Gift Card.

Once applied, the gift card will be shown in the Complete Payment popup as shown below.

The gift card used can also be seen in the Invoice popup as shown below.

3. The Product Sales Report will show you how many Gift Cards were sold and their value as shown below.

Integrations Products

IMMJ POS & Leafly Menu Integration

Dispensaries can now push their Product Menu from IMMJPOS to Leafly using the built in integration. A few clicks is all it takes and products in IMMJPOS are automatically Synced to Leafly. IMMJPOS instructions are shown below.

For help with Leafly, click here for their documentation.


1. Ensure that you have your Leafly API key from your Leafly account.

2. Contact IMMJPOS ( to Enable the Leafly Menu Integration for your dispensary account. Multiple locations will each need to be set up separately.

3. Then log in to your IMMJPOS account and go to the Leafly settings page in the left menu. In the Leafly API Key page, enter your Leafly API key and click Save. Screenshot below:

5. Then click on the Leafly Sync Settings menu link. In the Leafly Sync Settings page, set how many times you would like to Sync your product menu data with Leafly and then set the times and click Save. Screenshot below:

6. In the above Leafly Sync Settings page, you may also Sync Manually as and when needed.

7. All product data pushed to Leafly is saved in a Sync Log in your IMMJPOS account. Click on the Leafly Sync Log menu link and you will see the Sync Log page which shows the date time of the sync and whether it was an automatic sync or manual sync as well as the user’s name who synced it. Screenshot below:

In the sync log above, you can see more details of the sync by clicking on the date time link. The details of the data sync can help you audit the data sent to Leafly just in case you need to check to ensure that correct data was pushed. Screenshot below:

If you have any issues or questions, please contact IMMJPOS Support ( or Leafly Support using their Request Form.

More information about the Leafly process can be found on the Leafly website link here.

Medical Metrc Recreational

Online Ordering Registration

Patients or Customers can self register for online ordering in a few easy steps. Instructions below.


  1. In the login page, users will need to click on the Register Now to Start Ordering button as shown in the image gallery below.
  2. Then Select Medical or Recreational or Non-MMJ Customer, fill in the blanks and then click on the Register My Account Now button.

3. Users will receive an email for verification. Upon clicking on the verification link in their email, their account will be verified and they can proceed to log in and order online. You will receive online ordering notifications upon new online orders and your customers will receive an order confirmation email.

Medical Patients and Recreational Customer Validations are Required.

For Medical Patient registration, the patient’s medical recommendation license must be valid to register. The Patient# will be verified with Metrc (MMMP) upon registration. Registration will fail if their patient# is not valid.

For Recreational Customers registration, their age must be over 21 to register.


Add a Recreational Customer

If your dispensary is allowed to sell Medical and Recreational products, then you may add a new Recreational (Adult Use) Customer.

You may add a new Recreational Customer using any one of the two ways below:

1. Add a new recreational customer from the Patient / Customer List.


  1. In the Main Menu or the Patients / Customers list, click on the Add New Patient / Customer button, select Recreational and fill in the form as shown above. Then click Save.
  2. Pay attention to the Date of Birth as Recreational Customers must be over 21 years of age and an age validation will be done before you are allowed to save the new recreational customer. If the customer is not over 21, you will not be able to save the customer.

2. Add a new recreational customer using the Verify Age function in the POS Register.

  1. In the POS register, click on the blue Verify Age – Add Rec button – shown above.
  2. In the Verify Age and Save Recreational Customer popup window, input the customer’s information (or use the Scan ID function – coming very soon), and then click Save.
  3. The customer’s age will be validated and the customer will be saved and added to the cart for their order. The date of birth validation will be shown in the popup as you enter the date of birth. It will show a Green Must Be Before birth date to help you ensure they are over 21.
  4. Pay attention to the Date of Birth as Recreational Customers must be over 21 years of age and an age validation will be done before you are allowed to save the new recreational customer. If the customer is not over 21, you will not be able to save the customer.

Recreational Customer Age Validation is Required.

If the Recreational (Adult Use) Customer is not over 21, you will not be able to save the customer and will not be able to sell to the customer.

Products Recreational

Add a Recreational Sale Product

If your dispensary is allowed to sell Medical and Recreational products, then you may add a new Recreational (Adult Use) Product.


  1. In the Inventory menu group on the left side, click on Add New Product to add a new product.
  2. In the Add Product page, select the Sale Type for this new product. You may select one of the 3 options – Medical, Recreational, or Medical and Recreational if the product can be sold for both medical and recreational.
  3. The fill in all product data and click Save.

Set Sale Type for Multiple Products at once.

You can also select multiple products in the Product List and click on the Change Sale Type button to set the selected products as needed. Set them as Medical, Recreational or both. Screenshot above shows the steps.

The Select Sale Type option is available in all Add / Edit / Copy product pages. It is also available in the Packaging Transfers, and Incoming Transfers where you link a package to a product.

Recreational Product Validation is Required.

Please keep in mind that Recreational Products are validated for lab test results and the THC content must be as stipulated by MMMP rules or you will not be able to save the product as a Recreational Sale Type.

API Sync Metrc Permissions

Metrc Permissions for API Sync

In order for your Metrc Data and IMMJPOS Data to be in Sync, all employees must have an API key in IMMJPOS.

An employee’s Metrc permissions must be set up correctly so that Metrc allows access to the correct data that is needed for the employee to perform their required tasks.

IMPORTANT: If employee permissions are changed in Metrc, then their Metrc API key must be regenerated and the new API Key must be added to the employee’s profile in IMMJPOS.

What are the different Metrc permissions needed for different user types?

Cashier, Budtender, Sales Staff Permissions:

Cashier, Budtender, Sales user types will require at least the Sales Menu and Search Menu permissions enabled in Metrc as shown in the image below.

The Sales Menu permissions will enable Cashiers to Report Sales to Metrc in realtime as required by Metrc in the state of Montana.

The Search Menu permissions will enable them to Search for Patients and Verify the Patient License Status as well as the Patient Daily and Monthly Limits.

Manager, Inventory Manager, Packaging Staff Permissions:

Manager, Inventory Manager, Packaging Staff user types will require at least the Packages Page, Transfers Menu, Sales Menu, and Search Menu permissions enabled in Metrc as shown in the image below.

The Packages Page permissions will enable Managers to view, manage, and adjust Packages in IMMJPOS and not have to log in to Metrc.

The Transfers Menu permissions will enable them to view Package Transfers in IMMJPOS.

The Sales Menu permissions will enable them to Report Sales to Metrc in realtime as required by Metrc in the state of Montana.

The Search Menu permissions will enable them to Search for Patients and Verify the Patient License Status as well as the Patient Daily and Monthly Limits.

Owner Permissions:

Owners will require all permissions other than Patients Menu, Financials Menu, and Reports Menu.


Add a Staff Account (New User) in IMMJPOS


To Add a Staff Account (New User) in IMMJPOS, follow these steps:

  1. In the left menu, click on Settings, then click on Staff Accounts. In the staff accounts page, click on the green Create Staff Account button in the top right.
  2. Fill in the form and set the new staff’s Permission level and Location(for multi location dispensaries only).
  3. Click Save when done. The new staff will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to login. In the welcome email, they will also receive a temporary password and PIN. The new staff will need to update their temporary PIN upon first login. The temporary PIN is always 654321.
  4. For good account security, always use strong Passwords and POS PIN and change them regularly.
  5. After adding a new staff account, your employee will need to COPY their Metrc API Key from their Metrc Dashboard and PASTE it into their profile in IMMJPOS. Your new staff will need to have a Metrc API Key in order to Make Sales and Report Sales to Metrc in IMMJPOS. More information on Metrc API key and Permissions is available here.
  6. Click on My Profile in the top right hand corner.
  7. In the next page, Click on Metrc API Settings. Then Copy the Metrc API Key text from their Metrc Dashboard and Paste it into the User’s Metrc API Key field. Also add in their Employee # and click on Save.
  8. Within 30 minutes, their account will be updated with their Dispensary location’s Packages data and they can start adding products and making sales.